söndag 29 maj 2011

Keep a good mover

German Pinscher should have a quadratic relation in the body – but we see more and more long backs and long loin.
How can we keep a good mover in a short square body … short neck… …. Can we?
I think so – when it comes to the back – the shortening of the GPs neck…. On the other hand … not so good!

Body length / height; body contour into a square, ie. a horizontal line across the back, together with vertical lines through the shoulder joint and the bump on his leg (the end of the hip bone) to form a square.

Chest depth / height;. The torso should rest on sturdy, straight legs. Withers: Pronounced. Spine, including lumbar spine, should be short, steady, straight, broad and strongly muscled.

Croup slightly sloping, broad and slightly arched. Chest deep, reaching to the elbows. Chest depth should be half the height at the withers. Forchest well developed. Ribs arched and not barrel-shaped and reach far back.

On judges conference they talked the problem with short torsoribbs- not deep, but the length. The danger here lies in the protecting of the the chest and thus exposed organs.

The belly must be elegant curved upwards - absolutely not involved. Flanks shallow, smooth and easily carried. Tailset should not be noticeable.

A beautiful arched neck and a short, strong back with clear whiter that slightly slopes towards the cross helps to give the GP a beautiful silhouette that clearly combines both power and elegance.

A GP should have a long, round, strong, muscular and dry neck - no loose skin

Long muscular neck is of crucial importance for the overall big picture, when it comes to the dog's anatomy. The length and position have a major impact on the front movement anyhow ….

At relatively low head carriage, the upper arm muscle is optimal in its working …. And in angle and can, through its attachment affecting front leg with great force.
At an excessively high carriage head with back bent neck the dog tend to obtain a tripping foreleg action.

When we show our dogs, in my opinion, the dogs that have learned to run in front of handler often reaching a much better movement. They can find their own rhythm and therefor run in their natural trot.

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